XTRA: ‘Vaxxed’ Producer Del Bigtree Defends Film and Drs. Wakefield and Thompson – A ‘MUST WATCH’ Posted by ‘Natural News’!
March 28th, 2016

What kind of a “science” needs to bully dissenting scientists, smear reputations, misrepresent the content of films, books and articles, and actually warn people not to see, read or listen to these points of view? Unnamed “scientific experts” and their media lapdogs have done exactly these things to censor an important documentary film on vaccine safety, slated to screen at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival in New York, Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe.


The pulling of the film occurred after film producer Del Bigtree gave ABC News THIS FULL 10-MINUTE INTERVIEW, as posted by Mike Adams at ‘Natural News,’ but the network used a mere 5 seconds in its report.

Festival founder and acclaimed actor Robert De Niro, the father of an autistic child, initially defended the movie, reportedly based on assurances a U.S. Congressman made to him personally on Friday that the CDC’s whistleblower’s confession of scientific fraud, on which the film is based, actually occurred. But on Sunday, De Niro caved in to apparent pressure and removed the film as an Official Selection.

Many have speculated that De Niro may have been intimidated. If so, it would not surprise us, given that topic of the film itself is intimidation and fraud at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), to bury statistics implicating a common childhood vaccine in the current autism “epidemic.”

In response to claims that Wakefield’s 2004 study connecting the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine to autism had been “debunked,” Bigtree insisted:

Andy Wakefield was just beginning to do research in looking at [the vaccine-autism connection], and the CDC actually did the study we’re talking about because they knew Andy Wakefield was looking at it and he’d spoken with Congress about it. . . . And it appears that they found the exact same thing that Andy Wakefield did. And when they saw it, what they decided to do was hide it and cover it up.

More Excerpts:

This is not an anti-vaccine movie. This is a movie about fraud, scientific fraud, committed by the CDC, the Center[s] for Disease Control, the most important study body on health in the world. That’s what this film is about. It’s not about Andy Wakefield, it’s not about me; it’s about Dr. William Thompson.

[W]e have the most important health agency in the world, that is supposed to be looking after the health of children, and they are throwing out data, and removing data, and changing numbers on studies to make a vaccine seem safe.

The world lost one of the greatest scientific minds of our times when Andy Wakefield was taken from us [by destroying his career]. This was a man who was doing studies that were going to lead to healthier vaccines and ways to take care of the health of our children. That unfortunately was going to cost a lot of money for the vaccine industry, and they cared a lot more about their industry and their money than they did about the health of children.

There’s this free pass being given to vaccines, and it appears . . . some of them may be dangerous. And we are injecting these things directly into the veins of our babies. I want better testing.

And the really sad thing is the amount of doctors I’ve spoken to that say to me: “Del, I know that vaccines are causing autism, but I won’t say it on camera because the pharmaceutical industry will destroy my career, just like they did to Andy Wakefield’s.” And that’s where they find themselves, being bullied by an industry that doesn’t actually care about the health of our children the way it should.

What I say to the critics is, see the movie. And then you can have an opinion about it. But for major news outlets to be telling people, don’t go see this movie, I mean, what’s next? Are we going to have papers tell us go out and burn books?

There’s a major coverup going on, and it’s affecting millions of children.

Bigtree congratulated the people at Tribeca for their courage – which at the time of this interview they still showed, under “immense pressure.”

You and your family are compelled to consume these products, rather than letting the makers of that product convince you, through evidence and benefits, to trust them.

On the AIDS front, “How Positive Are You” co-host Elizabeth Ely has called for properly validated HIV testing. Viral Forensics will soon offer to HIV positives with recent “viral load” results electron microscopy blood analyses, interpreted by a licensed pathologist. Information is available by writing to howpositiveareyou@viralforensics.com. (HPAY does not see this mailbox; it is readable only by Viral Forensics.)

Trust. Honesty. Is there anything more important here, when our own bodies are at risk? Change.org has posted a petition to Tribeca to reinstate Vaxxed, as well as helpful background links.

IMDb identifies Del Bigtree as “a producer and director, known for The Doctors (2008), Sex and Sensuality (2007) and Bitter Sweet (2005).”

(Investigative reporter Liam Scheff has already pointed out how this fiasco echoes the past 35 years of lies and intimidation propping up “AIDS,” at the cost of many lives.)

“XTRA: ‘Vaxxed’ Producer Del Bigtree Defends Film and Drs. Wakefield and Thompson – A ‘MUST WATCH’ Posted by ‘Natural News’!” comments…
  1. NEWS UPDATE: London Film Fest Drops AIDS Doc ‘Positive Hell,’ as ‘Vaxxed’ Backlash Hits Houston, L.A. Screenings Sell Out, NYC Gets Second Week at How Positive Are You says:

    […] «« previous episode    NEWS UPDATE: London Film Fest Drops AIDS Doc ‘Positive Hell,’ as ‘Vaxxed’ Backlash Hits Houston, L.A. Screenings Sell Out, NYC Gets Second Week April 10th, 2016 […]

    April 10, 2016 | 6:05 am
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