Ever wonder what happens to those medical and law-enforcement professionals who get jabbed with needles, spat on or bitten by “HIV-positive” patients, suspects and others? “How Positive Are You” co-host and Rethinking AIDS president David Crowe used his position on Internet radio show “The Infectious Myth” to interview former sheriff’s deputy Edmond McNack, last visited by HPAY in April 2010, in an Episode that has unfortunately lost its audio. (You can still read a useful summary on the Episode page.)
Listen in and learn what a 10-week course of so-called HAART drugs in 1998 — accepted on fear of a possible infection alone, as “post-exposure prophylaxis” (PEP) — could do to a very healthy, robust and athletic man’s health. . . . Remember, doctors gave these drugs, and still administer similar ones, to babies. To prison inmates. To willing and not-so-willing patients. To gay men as a “pre-exposure” drug. Are the “HIV” drugs of today any better? Are the risks worth any of their perceived benefits? You decide.
Listen HERE.