NEWS UPDATE: Shameless AIDS Paradigm Defenders Stand in Way of Ending ‘HIV Criminalization’
April 23rd, 2015

April 23, 2015–Just in time for “Rethinking AIDS Day” a/k/a “AIDS Fraud Day,” the 31st anniversary of the famous press conference announcing a virus as the “probable cause of AIDS,” a group of doctors working for the very same Dr. Robert Gallo are draining the Office of Medical and Scientific Justice (OMSJ) of the resources needed to continue defending the landmark case that has effectively ended “HIV criminalization” in the U.S.


The case of Air Force Technical Sergeant David Gutierrez was the subject of our Episode 97. For more details, see Spanish AIDS rethinker Raul Ehrichs de Palma’s news report and fundraising campaign on Razoo here. We urge you to give as much as you can, and still give even if you can spare only a token amount. Show your support, and we’ll report the amazing groundswell of support on “How Positive Are You.” Yes, that’s right, an amazing groundswell. Get to it!

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