NEWS UPDATE: Bill Clinton Resigns, or Intends to, from Board of ‘AIDS’-Fighting ‘Clinton Global Initiative’ as Corruption Concerns Grow
August 19th, 2016

August 19, 2016–Variety reported yesterday that former U.S. president Bill Clinton “is resigning from the board” of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), a purported worldwide AIDS-fighting organization under the Clinton Foundation. However, the Huffington Post implied that he would resign only if his wife, Hillary Clinton, is elected to the U.S. presidency in November.


Both stories emphasize the apparent conflict of interest as the U.S. election nears (see the Boston Globe’s sudden opinion that the “Clinton Foundation should stop accepting funds”). But might Ortel’s almost-daily media appearances exposing the organization’s corrupt practices have prompted Bill’s decision?

Strangely enough, as far as we can tell, the CGI doesn’t legally exist as a U.S. nonprofit if, as “How Positive Are You” Episode 109 guest Charles Ortel reports, Massachusetts pulled its charter in 2008.

Ortel lately has been finding even more possible frauds in the Clinton Foundation’s HIV/AIDS “initiatives” around the world. On August 17, he updated audiences of PRN’s “Leid Stories” on, among other things:

  • No mention of any proper testing and medical followups to these efforts to dump cheap drugs on poor populations — something a previous guest noticed on the ground in Brazil’s Amazon with “pharmaceutical boats”;
  • The difference between the money donors such as UNITAID claimed they gave and what the Foundation and its subsidiaries claimed they spent;
  • Bill’s agreements on behalf of entities for which he is neither an officer nor a trustee, and which sometimes don’t even exist;
  • Whether the CGI even survived legally to make international contracts after 2008; and
  • How foreign generic drug companies’ ability to cash in on lucrative deals with Foundation-related entities might be private business development, not charity.

The CGI is reportedly ceasing its star-studded annual meeting after holding its last this coming September 19-21.


September 7, 2016–NEWS UPDATE: Ortel Report on Clinton-Related Charities Blasts Legal and Financial Frauds Behind ‘AIDS’ Work Worldwide

September 13, 2016–XTRA: Charles Ortel Busts More Clinton Pretenses, Such as Generic Drugs, on ‘The Infectious Myth’

“NEWS UPDATE: Bill Clinton Resigns, or Intends to, from Board of ‘AIDS’-Fighting ‘Clinton Global Initiative’ as Corruption Concerns Grow” comments…
  1. Episode 109: It Takes a Pillage – Charles Ortel Tracks the Missing Clinton Foundation Funds, Audits and ‘AIDS’ Missions at How Positive Are You says:

    […] August 19, 2016: NEWS UPDATE: Bill Clinton Resigns, or Intends to, from Board of ‘AIDS’-Fighting ‘C… […]

    August 19, 2016 | 12:17 am
  2. NEWS UPDATE: Ortel Report on Clinton-Related Charities Blasts Legal and Financial Frauds Behind ‘AIDS’ Work Worldwide at How Positive Are You says:

    […] Our previous UPDATE on this story: NEWS UPDATE: Bill Clinton Resigns, or Intends to, from Board of ‘AIDS’-Fighting ‘C… […]

    September 13, 2016 | 4:44 pm
  3. XTRA: Charles Ortel Busts More Clinton Pretenses, Such as Generic Drugs, on ‘The Infectious Myth’ at How Positive Are You says:

    […] «« previous episode       next episode »» XTRA: Charles Ortel Busts More Clinton Pretenses, Such as Generic Drugs, on ‘The Infectious Myth’ September 13th, 2016 […]

    October 7, 2016 | 4:46 pm
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