Episode 32: Dr. David Rasnick
February 7th, 2011

David Rasnick is a PhD biochemist and a long time critic of the HIV=AIDS dogma. He is a member of the board of Rethinking AIDS and was responsible for initiating its revitalization in 2005/6. He graduated from Georgia Tech with his PhD in 1978 based on research into proteases and his career was based on working with these enzymes. This gives him a unique insight into the drugs known as protease inhibitors introduced in the mid-1990s and a part of most HAART (Highly Active Antiretrovial Therapy) ‘cocktails’.

Dr. Rasnick talks with Terry Michael and David Crowe for about an hour in an interview that ranges from science to politics to history to sociology and back again. For more information see David Rasnick’s personal website.

Here are some links for further exploration of the topics of the surrogate markers Viral Load and CD4 count as well as the AIDS drug AZT and the drug ‘cocktails’ known as HAART.

“Episode 32: Dr. David Rasnick” comments…
  1. Glenn (Amyl Nitrite Awareness League) says:

    David Rasnick is also on the ball. Take out toxins such as poppers, as well as the human experiment known as AZT, both scourges by any name, and you will see a rise in CD4 count, and there will be no need for other cock-tales.

    Alkyl Nitrites are Schedule 4 poisons and they should not be inhaled. But 40% of the gay community, based on research and media reports, use them as an inhalant and they make the patient bleed more. My God !!!

    I’m over whether one has SpanishFlu/HIV1/H1N1/SwineFlu or Influenza B. What about all this poisoning right under our noses?

    February 9, 2011 | 7:34 pm
  2. Joey says:

    Great interview. It is shocking how many people take medications they know nothing about.

    February 27, 2011 | 1:26 pm
  3. permaculture Regarding health. | Permaculture Blog says:
    June 13, 2011 | 5:32 pm
  4. Episode 91: Dr. David Rasnick Finds No Evidence That Ebola Has Ever Been Isolated in a Human Being — Does This Sound Familiar? at How Positive Are You says:

    […] Rasnick appeared previously on HPAY, in Episodes 5 and 32, and on David Crowe’s “The Infectious Myth” program on November 18, 2014. In […]

    December 31, 2014 | 1:17 am
  5. Episode 103: How Infected Are You? – Electron Microscopy Could Find You Are ‘HIV Negative’ After All, Says Dr. David Rasnick at How Positive Are You says:

    […] interviewed Dr. Rasnick previously in Episodes 32 and 91. He served as an expert witness in several “HIV criminalization” cases assisted by The […]

    December 5, 2015 | 12:03 am
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