Episode 105: Save the Celebrities! Charlie Sheen, Prisoners of Hollywood, and ‘Limited Hangouts’ – Awakening from ‘AIDS’ and Other Fantasies
December 7th, 2015

Before taking Charlie Sheen any more seriously than we already have, let’s peek behind the curtain at the real Hollywood. How much can you trust what any leading actor, musician or other famous person tells you – about “AIDS” or anything else?


“How Positive Are You” co-host Elizabeth Ely asked Paul Marko, Ph.D., to show her the way around Tinseltown. The deceptions he reveals are depressing, but the “awakening” of ordinary, non-famous people to what is going on inspires hope. Join us for a lively and uncommon discussion of truth, conspiracies* (gasp!) and Joni Mitchell lyrics.

*That anything like a “conspiracy” exists is just a rumor, and people and institutions in power might just as likely be well meaning and transparent. Or not. . . .

The day before the Sheen TV drama about being “HIV positive,” the “HIV tests” didn’t detect live, electron-microscopy-viewable virus. After his confession, they still don’t. It’s time to see the fraud, plain and simple. What is Sheen really hiding that might be worse than being “infected” with shame and a “deadly virus”? What is Hollywood in general really up to?

Asking these questions, we might just awaken.

“One of the components in the awakening is that you realize that you’ve been deceived and that, damn it, you don’t want to be deceived anymore, so you start doing research,” says Dr. Marko. “And when you hear something like this – TV is a mind-control device – you dive in and find out.”

And then what? Do you become a dark, brooding conspiracy nut? Will you never again watch the evening news without screaming at the TV like a crazed drunk?

Fear not! Beth points the way to safety, community and, dare we say, pleasure in joining the awakened. “We have better beer, better sex and better conversations over here,” she says. (To tap into even more optimism, listen to Episode 95 with Jon Rappoport.)

No one has ever witnessed a virus eating an immune system. Once you “get” that, . . .

You might need some new friends. Former corporate organizational psychologist Dr. Marko and his wife, Mindy Urken Marko, have created the “Pine Cone Utopia” blog and YouTube channel, along with the “World Beyond Belief” Podcast, to support the community of the awakened. On these pages, you can share your ideas and get over the idea that you’re crazy for seeing through the – by now – tired, predictable and “cartoonish” version of reality in the major media.

In the course of this discussion, Dr. Marko drops a few links, worth checking out:

  • Corey Feldman’s video alleging widespread pedophilia in Hollywood, possibly indulged in by Charlie Sheen;
  • Marko’s own book, Belief Magic;
  • The “TV in Three Minutes” video the Markos put together;
  • Their two videos on the fake Ebola epidemic of 2014, here and here, and you might as well check out HPAY’s own contribution to the topic as Episodes 89 and 91;
  • The book The Fourth Turning, summarized here, where terms like “Prophet generation” (i.e., Baby Boomers) come from;
  • YouTube videos by Alan Watt on the mind-controlling manipulations of TV technology (not Alan Watts, although those are fun, too);
  • The Julia Roberts perfume commercial discussed here, as a portion of this video but viewable separately here;
  • For hippies and wannabes, David McGowan’s Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon, on Joni Mitchell and the rest of the Laurel Canyon group in the 1960s; and
  • Hollywood, Health and Society, a division of the Normal Lear Center at USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism that makes sure the official lines on public health and climate change are the only ones that get shown on TV. (HPAY Co-founder Christine Maggiore confronted a Law & Order: Special Victims Unit medical advisor on Christine’s own depiction as a character on that show, in Episode 11.)

And actually, HIV-positive sex without disclosure is no longer a felony, as we reported in March 2015 after the Gutierrez military court decision.  [There may be an update to this based on the Gutierrez re-sentencing.  Stay tuned.]

“Episode 105: Save the Celebrities! Charlie Sheen, Prisoners of Hollywood, and ‘Limited Hangouts’ – Awakening from ‘AIDS’ and Other Fantasies” comments…
  1. Episode 105: Save the Celebrities! Charlie Sheen, Prisoners of Hollywood, and ‘Limited Hangouts’ – Awakening from ‘AIDS’ and Other Fantasies December 7th, 2015 | Pinecone Utopia says:

    […] from ‘AIDS’ and Other Fantasies December 7th, 2015 Paul Marko [ 1 h 06 min 24 s | 30.4 MB ] Hide Player | Play in Popup | Download […]

    December 7, 2015 | 4:36 pm
  2. XTRA: ‘How Positive Are You’ Co-host Elizabeth Ely Exposes the AIDS-Think Agenda on Paul Marko’s ‘World Beyond Belief’ at How Positive Are You says:

    […] Positive Are You” co-host Elizabeth (Beth) Ely interviewed Marko; now he interviews her. She continues her recent spree of being interviewed by others. They both […]

    January 16, 2016 | 2:35 am
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