Episode 104: Five Questions About Charlie Sheen
November 22nd, 2015

Actor Charlie Sheen revealed his HIV status this week. The last time we checked, having sex while positive was no longer a felony, drugs and alcohol caused false positives, and kissing on TV didn’t transmit “HIV.” Why do the media assume otherwise?


“How Positive Are You” co-host Elizabeth Ely looks at the Sheen revelations from a new angle by asking a different set of questions.

Alleging he had been blackmailed for several years, Sheen appeared on the Today show apologizing for the over-the-top lifestyle that led to his firing from sitcom Two and a Half Men nearly five years ago. Not much about the ensuing news coverage makes any sense, scientifically or otherwise:

“Episode 104: Five Questions About Charlie Sheen” comments…
  1. Episode 105: Save the Celebrities! Charlie Sheen, Prisoners of Hollywood, and ‘Limited Hangouts’ – Awakening from ‘AIDS’ and Other Fantasies at How Positive Are You says:

    […] «« previous episode    Episode 105: Save the Celebrities! Charlie Sheen, Prisoners of Hollywood, and ‘Limited Hangouts’ – Awakening from ‘AIDS’ and Other Fantasies December 7th, 2015 Paul Marko [ 1 h 06 min 24 s | 30.4 MB ] Play Now […]

    December 7, 2015 | 2:35 pm
  2. Episode 105: Save the Celebrities! Charlie Sheen, Prisoners of Hollywood, and ‘Limited Hangouts’ – Awakening from ‘AIDS’ and Other Fantasies December 7th, 2015 | Pinecone Utopia says:

    […] taking Charlie Sheen any more seriously than we already have, let’s peek behind the curtain at the real Hollywood. How much can you trust what any leading […]

    December 7, 2015 | 4:37 pm
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