Episode 5: HIV Testing Traumas
August 30th, 2008

Some of the many problems with so-called HIV tests are revealed through the experiences of people whose lives were sent into a tail spin over inconsistent or false results.The conversation begins with Mike, a heterosexual businessman who tested HIV positive and lived with the devastating diagnosis for several years before discovering the results were wrong. The discussion continues with Richard, a young gay man who took a series of tests and got a series of conflicting results, some from different labs and some from the same clinic on different days.

Before the guests join the program, David and Christine discuss feedback from listeners and review recent AIDS news, including the CDC’s announcement that one-quarter million Americans are HIV-positive and don’t know it. David plays some shocking footage from a BBC program about women who were condemned to a life of isolation within an insane asylum solely on the basis that they were positive for typhoid. Christine discusses new trials of PreP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) which involves giving AIDS drugs to HIV-negative people believed to be at risk for HIV infection.

“Episode 5: HIV Testing Traumas” comments…
  1. @nnie says:

    THANK YOU Mike & Richard … truly awesome! So sorry though for each of your horrific experiences.
    As for David & Christine – 2 genuine, living Earth ANGELS that the world can hone into at any given moment via these podcasts. How they manage to remain so calm, knowing ALL that they do, truly beats me … that has to be ANGELIC … definitely a gift directly from a DIVINE source. Bless them, theirs & the MILLIONS that they have already & those that they will inevitably save from this nightmare.
    @nnie / Durban (in absolute awe of such compassion & dedication)

    December 20, 2008 | 10:58 am
  2. How Positive Are You Episodes 1-10 at How Positive Are You says:

    […] Episode 5: HIV Testing Traumas […]

    June 17, 2011 | 5:01 pm
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