Episode 109: It Takes a Pillage – Charles Ortel Tracks the Missing Clinton Foundation Funds, Audits and ‘AIDS’ Missions
April 17th, 2016

The Clinton Health Access Initiative advertises its efforts to “help save the lives of millions of people living with HIV/AIDS in the developing world by dramatically scaling up antiretroviral treatment.” This is just one of many large initiatives of the Clinton Foundation. What would that even mean, “dramatically scaling up”?


Strangely enough, the Foundation never received a charter for that purpose. It was established solely to preserve Bill Clinton’s presidential legacy – mainly, by supporting the Clinton presidential library. In his book Giving: How Each of Us Can Change the World, Clinton talks about attending the 2002 Barcelona AIDS conference, where Nelson Mandela and other world leaders asked him to combat AIDS. And yet as Ortel points out, the Foundation’s filings for 2002 do not reflect this mission change.


This is just one of many concerns we discuss in this Episode, including what might be happening to those hapless “HIV/AIDS” patients in rural areas of the Third World.

Nor do other filings lend any accountability to the Foundation’s finances. “The Clinton Foundation has never produced a compliant audit,” he says. “The documents that have been submitted are fake audits, they are not audits.” When comparing outlays to donations, Ortel has found discrepancies of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Ortel’s articles and downloadable reports at his own Web site and at Breitbart.com, mentions at World News Daily, as well as Peter Schweizer’s book Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Clinton Rich, detail serious legal and ethical concerns. Schweizer goes so far as to suggest, in example after example, coincidences in which business deals enriching Bill’s friends have benefited from Hillary Clinton’s voting and policy decisions as a U.S. Senator and, from 2009 to 2013, U.S. Secretary of State.

Regarding AIDS treatment in rural areas of the Third World, we note the potential for abuses ranging from false diagnoses to simply handing out drugs without adequate medical followup.

We know full well that our political bias might be on display by covering this topic just days before a critical vote on Hillary Clinton’s possible presidency in the New York Democratic primary. However, we, “How Positive Are You” co-hosts Elizabeth Ely and (Canadian) David Crowe, have decided to look under the hood at the Clinton Foundation because the evidence of serious legal issues is too obvious. And spreading AIDS treatment and medicines around the world without accountability risks lives.

As an example of the fraud behind calls to lower drug prices, “Dirty Medicine” by Katherine Eban at Fortune magazine recounts how faked quality control and effectiveness trials at Indian generic drug maker Ranbaxy when it supplied the Clinton Foundation with cheap drugs resulted in a $500 million fine in 2013. (World News Daily also covered the story.) We note the “Mobile Health Services” van the company unveiled in 2011 to patrol rural areas and provide medical services to mothers and children in India – including HIV/AIDS treatment, which requires extensive followup and monitoring.

Ortel speaks strongly. He concluded over a year ago that, “this is a highly suspect, in my view criminal enterprise masquerading as a public charity.” It operates as “Robin Hood in reverse” to take from those of modest means and enrich wealthy friends of the Clintons – perhaps even the Clintons themselves, although that is more difficult to trace. “It just reeks of fraud.”

States generally enforce their laws governing nonprofit organizations. But when it comes to the Clinton Foundation, there is no effective enforcement. Even The New York Times seems to have conveniently – for the Clintons – lost its 2013 article, “Unease at Clinton Foundation over Finances and Ambitions.”

Charles Ortel is a New York-based investor and opinion writer who began his career as an investment banker in 1980. After arranging numerous business transactions and serving as a director or trustee for many entities, he retired in 2002 to take the lead in raising his children. Returning to work in 2007, Ortel is one of the few who predicted the global financial and geopolitical crisis, and the likelihood that deficit spending and suppressing interest rates would only compound forces underlying international turmoil. A graduate of Horace Mann School, Yale and Harvard Business School, Ortel is currently preparing to launch a suite of new businesses catering to clients who care about managing their wealth, savoring America’s exceptional promise, and giving wisely to charities. As an expert on complex audits, he states that he has testified in major cases involving contested takeover battles.

August 19, 2016: NEWS UPDATE: Bill Clinton Resigns, or Intends to, from Board of ‘AIDS’-Fighting ‘Clinton Global Initiative’ as Corruption Concerns Grow

Listen to: Ortel’s August 17 interview on PRN’s “Leid Stories.”

Updates, September 2016:

XTRA: Charles Ortel Busts More Clinton Pretenses, Such as Generic Drugs, on ‘The Infectious Myth’

News Update: Ortel Report on Clinton-Related Charities Blasts Legal and Financial Frauds Behind ‘AIDS’ Work Worldwide

“Episode 109: It Takes a Pillage – Charles Ortel Tracks the Missing Clinton Foundation Funds, Audits and ‘AIDS’ Missions” comments…
  1. NEWS UPDATE: Bill Clinton Resigns, or Intends to, from Board of ‘AIDS’-Fighting ‘Clinton Global Initiative’ as Corruption Concerns Grow at How Positive Are You says:

    […] the CGI doesn’t legally exist as a U.S. nonprofit if, as “How Positive Are You” Episode 109 guest Charles Ortel reports, Massachusetts pulled its charter in […]

    August 19, 2016 | 12:13 am
  2. NEWS UPDATE: Ortel Report on Clinton-Related Charities Blasts Legal and Financial Frauds Behind ‘AIDS’ Work Worldwide at How Positive Are You says:

    […] was our guest on Episode 109 of “How Positive Are You” in […]

    September 7, 2016 | 12:23 am
  3. XTRA: Charles Ortel Busts More Clinton Pretenses, Such as Generic Drugs, on ‘The Infectious Myth’ at How Positive Are You says:

    […] visited HPAY for Episode 109 in April and posted his long-awaited report this […]

    September 13, 2016 | 3:44 pm
  4. ‘Watered-Down’ AIDS Drugs Story Hides the Clinton Foundation’s Worse Crimes Against Humanity says:

    […] Foundation nor any purported affiliate has a charter to fight AIDS or anything else. (Also reported HERE and […]

    September 29, 2016 | 5:35 pm
  5. NEWS UPDATE: Flowers After the Date Rape? Clinton Tries to ‘Help’ Haiti While Hurricane Rages and Haitians Protest Earthquake Ripoff at How Positive Are You says:

    […] speaker was “How Positive Are You” Episode 109 and “The Infectious Myth” guest Charles Ortel. He regularly describes the Clintons as […]

    October 7, 2016 | 4:40 pm
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