David Crowe and Terry Michael interview Dr. Peter Duesberg who is probably the best known AIDS rethinker. Peter is a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California at Berkeley and a pioneer in retrovirus research. Prior to 1987 he was one of the best funded and most hightly respected researchers within the virology establishment. Everything changed in 1987 when he published a major scientific paper in the journal “Cancer Research” detailing his theory that HIV couldn’t do anything, let alone cause AIDS.
After that publication he was unable to get government grants and publication became very difficult. This culminated with his recent paper, accepted in Medical Hypotheses, which caused an outcry by pharmaceutically funded dogmatists, the firing of the editor and the closure of the journal something that Peter describes as a “Nazi” move in this interview. Peter has been asked several times to recant his opposition to the HIV=AIDS=Death dogma but has steadfastly refused despite the devastating impact on his career and status within his university and the virology community.
Peter is a member of the board of Rethinking AIDS and maintains a website at duesberg.com.
[…] Episode 29: Dr. Peter Duesberg (December 5th, 2010) […]
I am having a problem trying to figure whether Dr. Duesberg knows for a fact that a particular retrovirus or part thereof called HIV actually exists, or, he just believes from his research that retroviruses do no harm, or he believes there are just minute quantities of some kind of harmless nucleic acid being called HIV existing. I’m very confused. The Perth Group says there is no proof HIV exists at all.
I think the issue is what evidence constitutes proof that a retrovirus is present. Peter is satisfied with it, others aren’t, myself among them. I am still waiting for purification.
If one’s body normally produces retroviruses, how does Dr. Duesberg know that THIS particular retrovirus HIV exists as a separate entity apart from all the others? Will any podcasts address the third view that this virus is man-made? I’m sure there are plenty people especially of African descent who believe this and therefore are caught up in the HIV=AIDS dogma. I myself would not trust any solutions coming from the same sources I believed created the problem. This third view must be explored fully & either discredited or not. I heard the disjointed interview with David & the late DR. Graves but there must be others who believe they have the evidence for it. Aren’t there any more black experts including Africans other than Dr. Banks & Curtis Cost who can be given prominence in this movement? That would go a long way in persuading blacks that this HIV is NOT lab-made & apparently is a mirage.
It is hard to address the issue of the human-created virus theory unless we have a proponent of that theory to interview.
I admire dr. Duesberg a lot. I can listen to him for hours. Something I haven’t heard from the famous HIV denialists (sorry dr Duesberg for using the term) yet is on HIV’s mutation. HIV researches use all kinds of excuses why HIV research hasn’t given any descent results yet and one of them is “HIV mutates very easily”. What’s dr. Deusberg respond to that? Here’s a paper for reference: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0015135
In general I’m afraid that HIV denialism will be lost after some years. Young scientist don’t dare to challenge the HIV=AIDS hypothesis, because that would ruin their career. And sacred monsters of virology, epidemiology, microbiology and medicine are year by year retiring or even dying and I’m afraid HIV denialism will die with them.
I mean look at this video from 1990. You could find so many scientists with this opinion to talk on TV. How many do it now?
Regarding HIV mutations, I think the problem is that nobody has ever purified HIV so we don’t actually know what the genome is. If what is called “HIV” is actually genetic material generated by the human body via a disease process, then one would expect it to vary a lot. We simply don’t know what they are measuring. Duesberg is a little stuck because he wants to believe that HIV exists.
Listening to Deana Spingola interviewing a Dr. Lorraine Day on Republic Broadcasting Network RBN, Dr. Day proposed the man-made theory. She believes HIV was manufactured at Fort Dietrich & put in vaccines for Africans as a depopulation method. She claims she has proof from the congressional records. She certainly is not afraid to air her views. If she is willing she may be a good candidate….or not. I would love to hear. Youtube spits out all types & I’m sure more proponents who could intelligently expound the lab-created theory can be found.
Thanks, I’ll try to track her down.