Episode 112: Bobby Russell Receives ‘Credible’ Threats as Lawsuit Dismissal Appeal Drags on
October 24th, 2016

The local police are taking this seriously, and we are, too. On June 25, 2016, Bobby Russell, a legal plaintiff claiming a false-positive “HIV test,” received four or five threatening calls to his mobile phone. He says that the caller(s), while not explicitly threatening to kill him, made reference to “what you are doing.”

“How Positive Are You” co-host Elizabeth (Beth) Ely thought it best to report this event, to help ensure Bobby’s safety.

It’s been more than three years since Bobby filed suit against his University of Kentucky doctors and about two since the case was dismissed on statute of limitations grounds, that is, not filing within a year of finding harm. A decision on the appeal of that dismissal is long, and strangely, overdue.

A video of the last call, received on or about 10:15 p.m., is linked HERE. It includes the number that showed up on caller ID, and Beth placed a call to that number during this interview. It reached a recording at the U. of K.’s Bluegrass Care Clinic in Lexington, Kentucky.

Since Bobby’s friends first received reports of this “pure harassment” – and even after Beth taped this Episode in July 2016 – several new facts have emerged. They so far argue against blaming U. of K. and its “AIDS” medical services unit:

  • Contrary to the impression given in this interview that U. of K. was not cooperating with the investigation and possibly invoking “sovereign immunity,” Bobby has since said that it did turn over phone records after consulting its lawyers, without, he says, knowing that he was the accuser. (Sovereign immunity is currently at issue in unprosecuted sexual assaults within U.S. public universities.)
  • Bobby had long discontinued the Bluegrass Care Clinic’s treatments when he received a new phone number that he never gave to them, U. of K. submitted that it has no record of these calls, and he believes his phone and computer have been hacked numerous times.
  • Beth has found that, through various mobile-phone “apps,” it is indeed possible to fake a voice and a regional accent and even, apparently, to fake a number on caller ID.
  • Bobby is not suicidal, and he verified that in this interview.

His best guess is that somebody is “trying to make me look silly,” as he related separately. But still . . . .

Much is at stake in the Russell lawsuit, especially public opinion of how accurate “HIV testing” is. This is a foundational issue putting at risk literally hundreds of billions of dollars in funding to fight AIDS worldwide; put more simply, people could start questioning their test results and requesting their records for possible lawsuits. Beth expresses a hope that Bobby will stay safe now that they have “turned on the lights” in this Episode.

HPAY first interviewed Bobby Russell in its Episode 76. Co-host David Crowe talked with him on “The Infectious Myth,” posted HERE as an XTRA. Beth interviewed his Washington, D.C., lawyer, Jonathan Dailey, in Episode 71.

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