NEWS UPDATE: Flowers After the Date Rape? Clinton Tries to ‘Help’ Haiti While Hurricane Rages and Haitians Protest Earthquake Ripoff
October 7th, 2016

October 7, 2016–The versatile emotional-blackmail model of AIDS relief has been trotted out again to exploit another kind of tragedy. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton this past Tuesday exhorted his Twitter followers to send money to unspecified “Members of the Clinton Foundation Community” to “help in Haiti” — even as Haitians were organizing rallies against the Foundation’s previous effort there. (The tweet is viewable HERE.)


Adding urgency to the appeal, the tweet featured a disaster-porn satellite photo of Hurricane Matthew flushing the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere down the familiar toilet-swirl of a Caribbean storm.


Some of those Twitter followers were not impressed with the Foundation’s record of “help.”

“Clintons still scamming off poor Haiti after a natural disaster,” commented one. The Foundation had already spearheaded a lame, $10 billion-plus effort to rebuild Haiti after the 2010 earthquake as a toxic trailer park, digital phone services market and literal gold mine (search “Digicel,” and “Tony Rodham,” HERE), and low-cost (slave) labor source. That fiasco inspired Haitian-Americans to protest at the Democratic National Convention last July.

Just yesterday, protesters led by Haitian- and African-American organization KOMOKODA gathered in lower Manhattan in front of the New York State Attorney General’s office. Seems they were “more than upset” about AG Eric Schneiderman’s decision to investigate the Trump Foundation while ignoring the “missing” billions at the Clinton Foundation — on the very day that yet another natural disaster was devastating their home country.

One speaker was “How Positive Are You” Episode 109 and “The Infectious Myth” guest Charles Ortel. He regularly describes the Clintons as “merchants around misery.”

“With Haiti and her wonderful people under assault again, it should grieve all Americans that Bill Clinton and his false-front network pretending to be ‘charity,’ refuses to account for billions of dollars in missing aid money,” the investment banker, financial analyst and charity investigator said to protesters. “What kind of people divert rescue funds from poor neighbors who share so many common bonds?”

But of course, the excuse given by one manager at the Clinton-favored Indian drug company Ranbaxy still echoes in racist shame: It’s just blacks dying. called out the Clinton tweet HERE.

Ortel provided “The Huffington Post” (publisher of the “more than upset” article) with this helpful link to just one beneficiary of a lucrative post-earthquake infrastructure-rebuilding contract funded by the World Bank.

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